Hi bloggie ! This is a very first time I using IPod touch to post. Therefore, I'm not adapt with it yet.
This post is regarding my friends that I had met . I'm very consider now in this world there are too many different type of people out there. Different type of people it's mean they facing different type of solution , having friendship problem or family problem.
Some of them are over pampered by their family and some of them didnt really appreciate what you have now .
Nowadays , Teenagers have been corrected to 'Screenagers' is because they facing too much on screen example of Phone, computer, IPhone , IPad and more . Some of the teenage they even need more love from the parents . That's why they are alot of case when I read out the newspaper regarding of those teenagers RUNNING OUT FROM THE HOME!!!!! In the age of 18 or younger then that they willing to sacrifice family love and sneak out from the home lives with their BF/GF . At the last, it will getting worst after the parents know it ! Mom and Dad is the one who create us and Mom is the one who gives birth us !!!
I could said , Oooooh Please! Girls and Boys who think that ur parents is useless or dont have to Care about you anymore ! Please ! Atleast let them know you love them. We are so precious in this world and so important to our parents ! They love You! They willing to have you here is the biggest gratitude to them. Father and mother giving good education to you even they are not well educated. They are so much loving us . So do not leaving your parents . Take care them well ((;